Le Jardin 2010-1 (janvier-avril)

Encore une belle année dans le jardin! J'ai l'impression de montrer les mêmes fleurs tous les ans. Il est peut être temps de clore ces galeries du jardin. Je m'intéresserai aux autres jardins, publics et privés, dorénavant.
Cette année quelques plantes sont mortes d'autres sont de plus en plus magnifique, c'est ça le jardinage et de remplir les trous avec de nouvelles découvertes!
Les chevreuils ont encore fait ravage dans les rosiers, mais ils sont tellement beaux!
Un jardin c'est après tout un partage avec la nature, ça nous appartient pas vraiment!
Once again a beautiful year in the garden! I seem to be showing the same flowers every year; perhaps I will stop these photo galleries of my garden and show other people's instead, parks or private gardens.
Every year some plants die yet others get more and more magnificent, that is what gardening is and then to fill up the holes with newly discovered plants!
The roe deers have been playing havoc in the roses, but they are so beautiful!
A garden after all is something we share with nature, it never really belongs to us!

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10 janvier 2010
Snow starts the year!
20 février 2010
Crocus, some of the first flowers.
Funny what you find in the garden!
Lichen happily growing on the Altheas.
21 mars 2010
A host of golden daffodils!
22 mars 2010
Pussy willow.
Indispensable Viburnum Fragrans.
23 mars 2010
Purple Hellebores, better than ever!
26 mars 2010
Those Hyacinths planted out of pots years ago still lovely!
Some of the earliest bulbs, Chionodoxa.
5 avril 2010
Narcissus over and over again wonderful!
Purple leaved flowering cherry.
More than one head to these narcissus!
No garden without Forsythia!
8 avril 2010
The flowering cherry Accolade, nothing to hang it's head about!
10 avril 2010
Magenta speckled Hellebores, still at their best!
Well I still have a few yellow tulips, so pure!
I never get tired of seeing these beautiful Narcissus!
Muscari set against a picea conica, they are lovely!
18 avril 2010
Cowslips may be wild, but they are welcome in my garden.
Narcissus in ever bewildering forms!
Snowy Mespilus, even better than ever!
Japonica, I can't imagine a garden without it!
20 avril 2010
More heads are better than one on these Narcissus!
Mahonia Aquifolium, don't pick up these leaves without gloves!
24 avril 2010
A favorite flower mix, wallflowers and forget-me-nots
The Viburnum Burkwoodii finding it's place now!
The Japanese Kerria takes over the garden if you let it!
The purple Magnolia has never been better!
Flowering apples, who cares about the fruit!
Iberis, white as you get!
Viburnum Lantana waiting to be pollinated.
This flowering cherry is can I say, exuberant!
The moment of glory for the flowering currant.
28 avril 2010
The Judas tree seems to like it here in spite of cold winters!
Orange double Japonica. I just love it!